News in English

Re: Alex Neil


Oh yeah.
Ok two replacements, but you would imagine as shocked as the footballing world apparently was with JE getting the boot, surely nobody could begrudge the owners binning less than world class Wayne off?
Once TM was unwell obviously an interim was needed, Venus couldn’t handle it so I’m not sure I’d say it was more than JE & Rooney to get the sack.

But as I said surely a manager can’t look at us and think they really treated Wayne badly??
He was terrible and it was for all to see..
now the JE sacking of course is a point of contention but as I said most new owners want there own guy, it’s just to thing now, I wouldn’t say Knightead have built up a bad reputation in such a short space of time to put off any potential managers.

Whilst we, as fans, read, disect and analyse every single Blues thing and perhaps understand why the cub sacked Eustace - we may not have agreed with it, or supported it, and may still think it to be wrong, but i think we understand what Knighthead's (right/wrong) reasons were and thinking was.

However, to outsiders, including perhaps prospective managers, it still looks like a batshit mental decision hinting at unstable club management