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‘I used to get off my nut’ says Tommy Mallett as he gives real reason he quit party lifestyle before body transformation


TOMMY Mallett has opened up about the real reason he quit his chaotic party lifestyle.

The Towie star has undergone a massive body transformation after cutting out drugs and alcohol.

Tommy Mallett has spoken candidly about his battle with booze[/caption]
The Towie star with his wife Georgia[/caption]

Tommy admits: “I used to get off my nut” as he struggled to find balance while on the booze.

Speaking to fans on a live Instagram video, Tommy said: “The thing that changed my life more than anything was definitely fitness.

“Going to the gym, having a routine, getting up early, going to bed early…

“It’s going to sound mad, but the natural things. Just enjoying life.

I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t do drugs. I’ve done too much of that in my past. I’m a bit too weathered now.”

Fans were keen to know how he managed to quit booze and totally transform his lifestyle.

He replied: “I’m teetotal. I did a few years then drank for about a year and now I’m back off of it. I can’t help myself. I get too carried away.

“Giving up drinking was easy for me. I was never a big drinker. I used to go out and party and get absolutely off my nut and not be able to deal with life for the next week.

“Me and drink don’t really work together, to be honest with you.”

Tommy started his fitness journey in 2021 after being targeted by cruel trolls.

He told fans at the time: “I was ranting in 2017 because I was getting trolled on social media about putting weight on.

“I ended up getting terrible sciatica and the weight just bundled on and I felt terrible in my self, but I knew the mission needed to be completed.

“Four years later, I got exactly what I said I was setting out to do!

“Followed by losing all the weight and getting in decent shape the year after – if I would of listened to the negativity it could of thrown me off track.

“Don’t let anyone get in the way of what you are manifesting.”

Tommy who is married to his former Towie co-star Georgia Kousoulou, launched his own shoe brand, Mallet, London in 2015.

It was reported the brand raked in more than £20m.

However, Tommy has said he has “nothing financially” and is “starting from scratch” after been forced to “sell everything” over a massive tax bill.

The self-made businessman, who grew up on a council estate and was bullied at school for his budget trainers and clothes before becoming a Towie favourite, has vowed to bounce back with his new footwear brand after the setback.

It follows a year of devastation for dad-of-one Tommy, whose wife Georgia Kousoulou suffered a miscarriage.