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Your Basic Human Is Not a Hot Item


My sister and I differ on many counts. But my sister came up with the smartest succinct comment about humanity I have ever heard about 25 years ago. We were talking about the Nazis and the Imperial Japanese and about...

The post Your Basic Human Is Not a Hot Item appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

My sister and I differ on many counts. But my sister came up with the smartest succinct comment about humanity I have ever heard about 25 years ago. We were talking about the Nazis and the Imperial Japanese and about gangster rapists in my hometown of Washington, D.C. Rachel summed it all up as well as anyone I have ever known: “Your basic human,” said Rachel, “is not such a hot item.”

God Bless You, Rachel.

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Now, we see that it is even true in our glorious USA. Maybe we have always seen it everywhere. The latest evidence come from various disgusting international entities which have said that Israel is as guilty of “war crimes” as Hamas.

The facts are clear cut. Hamas killed as many Israeli and other Jewish civilians as they could on October 7, 2023. Their violence was particularly directed against Jewish women and girls. Women and girls were raped to death by Arab killers and torturers. They were killed in the most barbaric ways possible.

As I have mentioned many times, Hamas butchers tortured the genitals of Jewish women and girls as much as possible. They took pride in killing Jewish women and girls on a scale that would make any half way civilized human being cry with shame. They’re still doing it in caves and tunnels.

Yet, incredibly, many of the pro-Hamas rioters at American schools are women and girls. But females make up a huge part of the rioters at “prestige” schools. Why? What insanity has invaded their brains and other bodily parts? The Muslims make no secret of their hatred of women. But in Congress, many of the most vicious female Jewish maniacs are women. Why? How did this happen? Why a truly insane posture by women against women? Why not a sound about this from leftist women?

It merits examination. But probably that would not help. After all: Your basic human is not such a hot item.

More to come.

The post Your Basic Human Is Not a Hot Item appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.