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Patty Melt {A Copycat Whataburger Recipe}

Jump to RecipeIf you’re looking for a copycat Whataburger patty melt recipe to make at home, then you’ve come to the right place. This delicious patty melt has all the classic flavors of the ever-popular Whataburger version, but you don’t have to leave the house to enjoy it! Loaded with two tasty beef patties, cheese, onions, and the Whataburger secret sauce, this patty melt is absolute perfection.I’m a huge fan ofpattymelts. I think they’re a great change of pace from acheeseburger, which I tend to make a lot.Pattymelts are great because they use toasted bread instead of abun, giving the entiresandwicha differentflavor, both literally and figuratively. Thattoastybread makes a tasty, crunchy counterpoint to the juicy, tenderbeef patty, gooey cheese, onions, and of course, that deliciouspattymelt sauce.This copycat Whataburgerpattymelt is the perfect thing for weeknight meals, weekend get-togethers, gameday parties, and more. Basically, if you’d serve acheeseburgerat an event, you can s...