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'The Human Printer': Trump hired ex-OAN anchor to feed him copies of ego-boosting stories


Presumptive 2024 GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump is known for liking physical printed copies of articles and social media posts, especially those that involve him in some way. According to The Bulwark's Marc A. Caputo, 32-year-old campaign aide Natalie Harp has done so much printing for Trump that others in Trump World have nicknamed her "The Human Printer."

One of Harp's main responsibilities, Caputo reports, is staying on top of Trump-related material and making sure the former president has easy access to hard copies.

"Whenever Donald Trump brandishes a stack of papers or reads a printout of a social media post, he's relying on the work of Natalie Harp," Caputo explains in an article published Wednesday.

"Harp, 32, occupies a unique role in the history of presidential campaigns: aide who travels with a portable printer — plus paper and rechargeable batteries in a large bag — whose job is to feed Trump a steady stream of information on 8.5x11 pieces of paper. That way, the 77-year-old doesn't have to strain his eyes on a smartphone to read all the news that's fit to print in MAGAville."

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According to Caputo, Harp is "constantly around Trump": She can be seen "sitting close to the defense table" in the Lower Manhattan courthouse where Trump's criminal hush money/falsified business records trial is being held and has been traveling with him on weekends when he flies down to South Florida.

"Perhaps more than anyone else," Caputo reports, "Harp gatekeeps much of what Trump sees on social media and reads in the news."

California native Harp is a fundamentalist evangelical Christian who graduated from Liberty University in Virginia in 2015. According to Caputo, she "appears to have entered Trump's orbit in 2019" and worked on his 2020 campaign. It was also in 2020 that Harp became an anchor for the far-right One America News.

A campaign insider told The Bulwark, "No one spends as much time on this campaign around him as Natalie. If people think she's an airhead because of her looks, they don't understand how smart she is and how much the president relies on her."

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Read Marc A. Caputo's full article for The Bulwark at this link.