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Siena poll: College demonstrations, abortion, 2024 race


ALBANY, N.Y. (NEWS10) -- A new Siena College poll covers the recent pro-Palestinian demonstrations, abortion, and transgender rights, as well as the 2024 presidential race, among other things. The poll results were released Wednesday morning.


According to the Siena Research Institute, New Yorkers support students peacefully demonstrating in support of those suffering in Gaza by a 72-22% margin. A 70-22% margin also says that protestors went too far and they support police being called into action.

A 64-27% majority say they understand demonstrators' frustrations with the continuing war and support an immediate ceasefire. The Siena Poll says a 61-25% margin believes the demonstrators forgot Hamas started the war and think the line into anti-Semitism has been crossed.

“Voters overwhelmingly agree with each of four statements concerning the recent protests at college campuses across the state and nation – 72% support students peacefully demonstrating, 70% support police being called in when protests went too far, 64% support an immediate ceasefire, and 61% are concerned the demonstrations have crossed the line into anti-Semitism,” Siena College pollster Steven Greenberg said.

“While they differ by degree, a majority of Democrats, Republicans, and independents agree with each of the four statements. Interestingly, older voters are more likely to say the demonstrations crossed into anti-Semitism and it was OK to call in the police, while younger voters are more likely to support peacefully demonstrating and calling for a ceasefire.”

Abortion Rights

The Siena Poll says 64-22% of voters support a state constitutional amendment to protect abortion rights, with a 48-32% margin supporting a constitutional amendment to protect transgender rights. A 59-26% of voters say they would vote yes to the state ERA amendment if it were on the ballot. The state ERA amendment protects both abortion and transgender rights.

“Other than Republicans and self-identified conservatives, every demographic group – by region, gender, race, age, religion, or income – supports, by at least a two-to-one margin, amending the state constitution to protect abortion rights. A plurality of Republicans and conservatives oppose it,” Greenberg said. “An amendment to protect transgender rights has plurality support, with stronger support from Democrats, women, and Black, young and New York City voters.”

“When asked if they would vote ‘yes’ on a state ERA amendment that includes both abortion and transgender protections, voters say ‘yes’ better than two-to-one, including at least two-thirds of Democrats, women, and Black, young and New York City voters,” Greenberg said. “Republicans, however, by a 54-30% margin say they would vote ‘no’ on the state ERA if it in fact makes the ballot this year.”

Social Media

The poll shows a 63-20% margin of support to propose a ban on social media platforms from using addictive, algorithm-based feeds to minors without parental consent.

“One issue that seems to unite every demographic group in the state is support for a proposal to ban social media platforms from providing addictive, algorithm-based feeds to minors without parental consent. Republicans support the proposal nearly two-to-one, 52-27%, and they are the ‘least supportive’ of any group. In fact, no other demographic group has more than 24% in opposition,” Greenberg said.

Increasing 5-cent deposits

A 46-43% margin is against increasing the five-cent deposit on drink containers to 10 cents.

“Doubling the beverage container deposit from a nickel to a dime is narrowly opposed by all voters. It has support from Democrats, New York City, Black, Latino, and younger voters. It is opposed by Republicans, independents, downstate suburbanites, upstaters (narrowly), white and older voters,” Greenberg said. “Interestingly, voters with income under $50K support the increase 51-35%, while voters with incomes more than $100K oppose it 49-38%."

Presidential Race

According to the poll, President Joe Biden has a 45-50% favorability rating, from 45-52% in April. His job approval rating went up to 46-51% compared to 45-55% last month.

Former President Donald Trump has a 39-56% favorability rating, up from 37-59% in April, per the poll. Biden leads Trump 47-38%.

“In a state that hasn’t voted for the GOP candidate for president since Ronald Reagan 40 years ago, and where Democrats hold a 26-point enrollment advantage over Republicans, Biden only leads Trump – whose negative favorability rating is not much worse than Biden’s – by a ‘narrow’ nine points,” Greenberg said. “While 18% of Democrats support Trump, only 9% of Republicans support Biden, and independents are evenly divided, 37-37%. There is only a small gender gap as Biden leads with men by five points and with women by 12 points.”