Bridge: May 22, 2024
“Your honor,” the district attorney intoned, “we will prove that South committed a felony: He went down at a cold slam.”
“State your case,” the judge instructed, and the court kibitzed the evidence.
“At six spades,” the DA said, “South took the ace of clubs and drew trumps, pitching a club from dummy. He next led the ten of diamonds and let it ride. East won and returned a club, and declarer won, took the ace of hearts, ruffed a heart and led a second diamond to dummy’s queen. Down one.”
“You can’t blame my client when two finesses out of two lost,” South’s counsel roared.
Would you convict South of a misplay?
South was guilty. After he draws trumps, he can take the A-K of hearts and ruff a heart. When East-West follow, South leads to the king of clubs and ruffs a heart. Dummy’s fifth heart is good for a 12th trick, and South can try a diamond finesse with the queen for an overtrick.
If hearts broke 5-2, South could still take two diamond finesses.
You hold: S K 2 H A K 6 5 2 D A Q 7 C K 7 2. The dealer, at your right, opens one spade. You double, and your partner responds (“advances”) 1NT. What do you say?
ANSWER: Partner’s 1NT is not a “bust” call. If he had no points, he would prefer to bid a suit so he could win some trump tricks. He suggests a balanced six to nine points and a spade stopper. Bid 3NT. The play may go well when partner will know where the missing points lie.
South dealer
N-S vulnerable
S K 2
H A K 6 5 2
D A Q 7
C K 7 2
S 8 6 5
H Q 10 9 7
D 6 4
C Q J 10 9
S 7 3
H 8 4 3
D K J 3 2
C 8 6 5 4
S A Q J 10 9 4
D 10 9 8 5
C A 3
South West North East
1 S Pass 3 H Pass
3 S Pass 3 NT Pass
6 S All Pass
Opening lead — C Q
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