News in English

Police Beat: May 11-15



An individual had a seizure at the Talmage Building. An officer and the Provo Fire Department responded and treated the individual on the site. The individual was then released to their parents.

Abandoned vehicle

Officers received notice of a parked vehicle that appeared to have been abandoned for several days. The airbags had deployed and there was severe damage to the back of the car. The vehicle had previously been listed as impounded. Officers attached an abandoned vehicle notice to the front, requesting it be moved. 


A vehicle reversing out of its parking stall made contact with an unoccupied trailer parked in multiple parking stalls. The driver claimed they could not see the trailer because of its height and was upset about the irresponsible parking job. There was no damage done to the trailer. The vehicle sustained minor damage to the back. Both parties received an email to exchange information.  

There was a report of two vehicles doing donuts in a parking lot. An officer was dispatched to the scene. They could not locate the vehicles. Pedestrians around the area stated they had not seen or heard anything.

Officers were dispatched to a hit and run accident. There were notes left on the car from unknown witnesses saying someone hit the side of the car and left. The witnesses also wrote down the license plate of the vehicle that crashed into it. The license plate was found to belong to a BYU student. Footage of the accident shows the vehicle being hit from the side, though the complainant says the only damage is in the rear taillight. A driver exchange form was sent to both parties. 

Found property

An officer sent a grounds employee to look into a bumper that was left on the grounds of the Ellsworth Building. It was determined the bumper was most likely from an accident. The grounds employee disposed of the bumper.


A complainant called about a stolen Gary Fisher Tarpon bike from Wyview Park. It had been stolen within the week. No suspects have been found.

A yard sign was stolen from the front of Helaman Halls’ Stover Hall. The officer found the suspects and retrieved the sign. The suspects were given a verbal warning.


There was a vehicle leaking paint from its bed in a parking lot. An officer contacted the owner of the vehicle, who was grateful to be informed and agreed to clean it up.

Citizen contact

Police were dispatched to the Y trailhead where there was a report of an adult yelling and acting crazy. The police located the subject. The subject graciously acknowledged the officers intent to help, but refused further assistance. No other action was taken.

Property damage

There was a disability parking sign knocked down in Lot 45. It appeared it was knocked down by a vehicle.

Animal problem

There was a report of juveniles playing in Botany Pond and harassing the wildlife. When they saw officers approaching them, they left the pond and entered a car. Their parents were in the car and immediately drove off.

Civil problem

An individual was reported swearing, yelling and flipping off other people in the Wyview Laundromat. It was caused by clothing being moved. Officers reviewed security footage and found no criminal activity.


There was a report of an individual in the Music Building entering rooms they had previously been told they could not enter. Upon seeing a BYU employee approach them the suspect left the building. Officers have not made contact with the suspect.