News in English

Growing weary of law-breaking pols who expect leniency | READER COMMENTARY


We have to wonder if we are the only readers growing weary of government officials who break the law claiming “political motivation” for their legal woes and requesting leniency or outright dismissal of charges because of their claimed politically motivated prosecution (“Congressional Black Caucus asks Biden to pardon Marilyn Mosby, says she has applied for clemency,” May 17)?

A citizen who breaks the law should suffer the consequences regardless of what political or government office they hold. In the United States, no one is supposed to be above the law. But the common refrain is, “Hey this is unfair, this prosecution is politically motivated, it needs to stop.”

What actually needs to stop is government officials breaking the law and expecting to get away with it. Enough, already.

— Bob Rassa, Fallston

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