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Celebrating Morocco’s Role In Global Water Leadership – OpEd


The 10th World Water Forum commenced this Monday in Bali, Indonesia, spotlighting a significant Moroccan delegation led by Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, Head of Government, and Mr. Nizar Baraka, Minister of Equipment and Water. This high-level team, comprising senior officials from various ministerial departments and representatives of key Moroccan institutions, underscores Morocco's unwavering commitment to addressing global water challenges.

Morocco's prominent participation in this global forum is a testament to its leadership in water management and sustainability. During the opening ceremony, the Kingdom was honored by the awarding of the 8th edition of the Hassan II Great World Water Prize to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). This prestigious accolade, awarded for the FAO's dedication to the global water agenda, recognizes its efforts to enhance water availability for agricultural production, food security, and income improvement.

The FAO's designation as the laureate highlights its crucial role in providing technical, policy, and strategic support to nations worldwide, addressing the pressing issues of water security and food security. This recognition is not merely ceremonial; it acknowledges the tangible impact of FAO's initiatives and projects on improving lives and livelihoods globally.

Presenting the prize, which includes a $500,000 check, a trophy, and a certificate, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch and Mr. Loïc Fauchon, President of the World Water Council, underscored the rigorous selection process. With 84 applications from across the globe, the diversity of topics addressed made the jury's task particularly challenging. This award, themed "Securing Water Resources for Food Sovereignty and Shared Prosperity," not only honors the FAO's achievements but also reflects Morocco's vision of sustainable and equitable water resource management.

The Hassan II Great World Water Prize, established in 2002 through a collaboration between the World Water Council and the Kingdom of Morocco, serves as a lasting tribute to the late King Hassan II. His legacy of promoting international cooperation and solidarity for sustainable water resource management continues to inspire global efforts.

The inaugural session of the 10th World Water Forum also featured a documentary on Water in Morocco, reinforcing the Kingdom's esteemed position in the international water community. This film serves as a poignant reminder of Morocco's pioneering role, having hosted the first World Water Forum in Marrakech in 1997.

Morocco's dedication to water sustainability is not merely about hosting forums or presenting awards. It is about leading by example, fostering international dialogue, and implementing practical solutions. As global water challenges intensify, Morocco's contributions offer valuable lessons in resilience, innovation, and collaboration.

In celebrating Morocco's role at the 10th World Water Forum, we are reminded that the pursuit of water security is a shared global responsibility. Through continued cooperation and commitment, inspired by the legacy of leaders like King Hassan II, we can ensure a future where water resources are managed sustainably, equitably, and wisely for the prosperity of all.