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Moose attack in Alaska kills man, prompting investigation


A cow moose attacked and killed a man Sunday in Homer, Alaska, sparking an investigation by state agencies.

The Alaska State Troopers explained in a news dispatch that the moose charged two men, kicking one of them.

“Medics arrived on the scene and declared the victim deceased,” the dispatch reads, adding that the moose “has left the area.”

It was not clear why the moose charged the men. The animals generally do not attack people unless they feel threatened or are being harassed by people or their dogs – or if they’re protecting their young.

From the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:

“While moose are generally perceived to be less dangerous than bears, more people in Alaska are injured by moose than by bears each year.

“Moose will usually flee when threatened but under certain circumstances, they can become aggressive. People can be hurt when moose charge, stomp and kick to protect themselves or their young.”

Moose are the largest members of the deer family. Cow moose in Alaska can weigh as much as 800 pounds, while bull moose can be twice that size.

–Moose image courtesy of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service