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Young Hondurans’ desire to migrate is influenced by factors beyond poverty and violence


(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.)

Maria Estela Rivero Fuentes, University of Notre Dame

(THE CONVERSATION) Why are so many young Hondurans heading north?

Research by me and two colleagues, published in the peer-reviewed journal International Migration, delved into the factors that motivate young people – those ages 16 to 29 – to leave the central American country and migrate to the U.S.

We found that resilience, which we define as having access to social resources and local support, was a key factor in the decision-making process. This challenges conventional wisdom that suggests those who enjoy some form of employment and strong support networks are more inclined to not seek opportunities elsewhere.

Analyzing survey data from a sample of youth enrolled in a workforce development program in violence-prone areas, we examined young people’s sense of social connectedness, community belonging and support, and desire to migrate.

We specifically looked at how their perceptions and ability to rely on local support systems – something that has been labeled multisystem resilience – influenced their relocation plans.

The reality we found is complex and highlights the nuanced interaction between resilience...