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Dice Brownies Bunco Dessert Recipe for Bunco Night

Bunco night needs dessert! Dice Brownies look just like dice and they’re perfect to serve at Bunco. Great for a take-home treat!I can’t even explain how much I look forward to Bunco night! There’s something pretty awesome about getting away from all the crazy to meet up with friends and join another crazy. ha! It’s seriously such a blast. Last month I hosted my first Bunco night and preparing for it was like being seven again planning my eighth birthday party. Picking out prizes was so fun! And then getting the night put together…I had so much fun! We had a great time and all the girls brought home one of these Dice Brownies as a little parting gift. They’re easy to make and kind of perfect for Bunco!What is Bunco?Bunco is a social game played by 12 people using three tables. One person hosts Bunco night and players switch off hosting throughout the year. (Learn more here!)How to Use Dice Brownies for BuncoYou can serve Dice Brownies as a dessert for Bunco night, or you can send your g...