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Right Site Weather May 18, 2024


Paragliding Weather Forecast for the Vancouver, Chilliwack, Bellingham, Seattle, Whistler & Pemberton area, based on data available at 0700.

Low pressure pressure with rain in mountain areas throughout. Seattle wiht aded risk of thunderstorm. 

YVR 3000 ft winds aloft W to 20 km/hr.  Valley winds SW to 20 km/hr. Advanced Peak Lapse Rate at -3.1C/1000ft. 

SEA 3000 ft winds aloft SW to 15 km/hr. Valley winds SW to 10 km/hr. Advanced Peak Lapse Rate at -2.8C/1000ft. 

iParaglide Right Site Ranking:

Paragliding is not recommended today with rain in mountain areas of Chilliwack, Vancouver and Pemberton, Bellingham and Seattle.