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Michigan represented at U.S. hockey goaltending camp


(CBS DETROIT) — Nearly 27% of the minutes played by professional goaltenders this year were logged by Americans, according to Steve Thompson, manager of goaltending for USA Hockey. 

But that's not enough, according to the governing body.

In 2017, USA Hockey established the 51 in 30 initiative, setting the goal of 51% of professional minutes played in the creases in both men's and women's leagues coming from American goaltenders. At 11% just six years prior, the administration set about change.

In the last few years, USA Hockey has made discernible investments in homegrown goalie development. 

At the 2024 National Goaltending Camp held at USA Hockey Arena in Plymouth, six of the 24 goalies participating call Michigan home. Several of them attribute the quality of goaltending coming out of their state to the quantity of youth programs available locally.