News in English

Judge Box O'Wine Has Strange Thoughts On The Homeless


Don't you love it when a couple of millionaire Fox News hosts weigh in on the homeless situation as if they are experts on the issue? Yeah, me neither. But that's what Jesse Watters and Jeanine Pirro did, according to Media Matters.

"A lot of these people, when they're asked and given a home, they don't want to go into the home," Watters insisted. "They want to be on the streets."

"Well, of course, they want to be on the street," Pirro falsely said. "They want to be homeless, that's the style of life that they choose."

"And I'm not a psychologist, but let me just make my point," she continued. "You say that, you know, they're putting money in all kinds of things to prevent homelessness; that's a quote, I wrote it down."

Note: Can someone give that bitch a cookie for writing something down, please and thank you.

"Greasy Gavin, let me tell you what he's doing and why he increased homelessness by 6% in 2023," she added. "He wasted billions of dollars because he put money into making sure that the homeless who are alcoholics are in a constant state of alcoholism so that they don't infringe on any of the EMTs, and so nobody has to do anything for the homeless. He is feeding them in the middle of their addiction. He is wasting billions of our dollars."

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