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Planned Parenthood Traded Aborted Baby Parts to University in Exchange for Intellectual Property


The University of California at San Diego and Planned Parenthood operated an “exchange” partnership involving aborted fetal body parts and scientific research, according to newly released documents obtained by a pro-life watchdog organization.

The Center for Medical Progress believes the evidence uncovered through its open records requests may be “incriminating.” Founder David Daleiden told The College Fix his organization is calling for a federal investigation.

Documents obtained by CMP show the abortion vendor gave tissue from aborted babies to UC San Diego researchers “in exchange for ownership of the university’s ‘patents’ and intellectual property’” from their research, a news release states.

The partnership appears to violate federal law, which prohibits the transfer of aborted human fetal tissue for “valuable consideration,” according to CMP.

Daleiden told The Fix in a recent email his findings are the result of “extensive public records requests” to the university since 2019.

One document is a “Biological Materials Transfer Agreement” contract between Planned Parenthood of San Diego and UC San Diego, signed in 2009 and updated in 2014.

The contract, made for “valuable consideration,” gives the university “access” to “fetal and placental tissue, which are proprietary materials of PPSD,” the news release states.

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In exchange, the contract states Planned Parenthood “shall retain all right, title, and interest in and to the Material, including but not limited to all right, title, and interest in patents and patent applications and other intellectual property rights relating to the Material.”

Daleiden’s organization also uncovered emails between the two parties, including a 2011 exchange about a quarterly “Planned Parenthood/UCSD Research Collaboration Meeting” to discuss “payment” to the abortion provider’s residency program with the university.

The Fix contacted Planned Parenthood and the UC San Diego media relations twice by email over the past month, asking about the Center for Medical Progress’s findings and allegations, but neither responded.

Daleiden told The Fix he believes Planned Parenthood has made millions of dollars from the partnership with UC San Diego, but his organization is still investigating.

“The abortion training programs at the university provide more abortion doctors, higher abortion volumes, and more abortion revenue for Planned Parenthood,” Daleiden said.

“In the years since the ‘proprietary fetuses’ contract was signed, one major UCSD donor extended $10 million in grant support to Planned Parenthood,” he told The Fix.

According to another public records document obtained by CMP, UC San Diego donated $10,000 to a Planned Parenthood fundraising event in 2021.

Additionally, another document shows a Planned Parenthood Federation of America Research Department registration form for fetal body parts harvesting at UC San Diego.

Daleiden said the document indicates the abortion provider’s “national headquarters knew about and approved these sales of aborted babies for valuable consideration as part of government-funded research grants.”

He told The Fix CMP’s latest investigation found a similar situation to what they uncovered previously with the University of Pittsburgh researchers and Planned Parenthood.

The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Inspector General is investigating the Pennsylvania university’s fetal tissue research projects, according to other documents obtained by CMP, published in December.

“The Planned Parenthood abortion providers supplying aborted babies in both cases were subject to PPFA’s requirements for registration and approval of these activities, and the NIH funded the universities’ transfer of fetuses from Planned Parenthood in both cases,” Daleiden said.

“We are now calling for the HHS OIG investigation of the Planned Parenthood-supplied fetal tissue bank at Pitt to be expanded to include Planned Parenthood’s activities in San Diego and for increased Congressional oversight,” Daleiden told The Fix.

LifeNews Note: College Fix contributor Katelyn Meeks is a student at Ashland University majoring in digital media journalism and public relations. She is the managing editor of the student-run newspaper, The Collegian, vice president of College Republicans, president of PRSSA, and an Ashbrook Scholar. This column originally appeared at The College Fix.

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