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Weekend Whipper: Sport Climber Rips Off Huge Flake, Narrowly Misses Belayer


Readers, please send your Weekend Whipper videos, information, and any lessons learned to Anthony Walsh,

The power-endurance testpiece State of Grace (5.13b), at California’s Echo Cliffs, is even more of a power-endurance testpiece after Matt Wheat’s last go on the 100-foot line.

“The big block about a third of the way up served as the last rest and the good foot for the crux sequence, [and it] ripped out on me,” Wheat wrote on Mountain Project. “The block was tenuous, but it seemed to have a little more life in it. [My] belayer and I are lucky to have our heads.”

Somehow, Wheat had the facility to hold onto the massive block as it fell inches from his face, which likely prevented it from hitting his belayer. “The crux still goes,” he said, “but it felt slightly harder, as you are [now] on smaller feet. However, the rest position there is much worse.”

Harder or not, we’re relieved everyone is alright. It’s a great reminder to remain rock-fall cautious on well traveled routes. And a solid argument for wearing a helmet.

Happy Friday, and be safe out there this weekend. Thanks to Jason Quan for the video.

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