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'Nobody believes him': Morning Joe rips Alito's excuse for 'disgusting' MAGA flag


MSNBC's Joe Scarborough condemned U.S. Supreme Court justice Samuel Alito as "disgusting" for displaying an upside-down American flag outside his home in the days between the Jan. 6 insurrection and president Joe Biden's inauguration.

The New York Times published photos of the inverted flag taken Jan. 17, 2021, and Alito told the newspaper that his wife placed it briefly outside their Alexandria, Virginia, home in response to neighbor's sign that used "objectionable and personally insulting language," and the "Morning Joe" host called his explanation laughable.

"A neighbor upsets me, comes out and upsets me because the Rays beat the Red Sox, and the Red Sox really suck, and so I'm mad," Scarborough said. "I'm not hanging my flag upside down. This is dumb as when I heard about the Dobbs leak – nobody believes him."

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Scarborough ripped the empty patriotism of Donald Trump's supporters, saying they only seemed to love their country when their own choice of president was in office.

"These people, these Trumpers, who have spent their entire life attacking people for being insufficiently patriotic, then they lose, and they just hate America," Scarborough said. "They hate America. They're constantly going around saying how weak we are. They hate our military, they say our weak our military is when it is the strongest in the world. They hate our economy, they claim the president of the United States is a socialist. The Dow [Jones on Thursday] made all of these people a lot richer, breaking 40,000 for the first time, despite Donald Trump's lies that it would collapse if Joe Biden was president of the United States. They hate this country, they attack this country."

He then questioned Alito's temperament and fitness for the bench, saying that Supreme Court justices should be impartial and serve outside of partisan interests like the jurists he'd known growing up.

"The only time they love it is when their person is in office, and I've got to say, and we have a lot of legal, brilliant minds around this table, they can speak to this later if they want to," Scarborough said. "I will tell you, growing up, one of my friends' fathers was a federal judge. I had no idea until I got older whether he was Republican or Democrat. That was the case in northwest Florida, very conservative place. The federal judges kept themselves beyond reproach, they never talked politics, ever. In the privacy of their homes, if you ask them an opinion, they would just say, 'Not my job,' right? 'I'm a judge.' They actually took their oath seriously. For a Supreme Court justice, and I will say, my opinion only, but the guy most likely to have had something to do with the leaking of the Dobbs decision, leaking it to the Wall Street Journal or somebody connected to him leaking it to the Wall Street Journal because he wanted to keep Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett frozen in place. I think history will show that."

"But that aside, for a guy who is a Supreme Court justice, to let that happen at his own home in one of the most fraught times in American history since the Civil War, it's just sad," Scarborough added. "It shows how little respect he has for the institution. It shows how little respect he has for the law, it really does. It's disgusting, it's just disgusting."

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