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I’m a gardening pro – how your free kitchen scraps can give you the greenest of grass & why crushed eggshells are key


IF you want super green grass but don’t want to fork out a fortune, it turns out you may be in luck.

A gardening expert has claimed that all you need are kitchen scraps to make your lawn gleam this summer.

An expert has shared how the key to a green lawn could be using your kitchen waste[/caption]
Using crushed eggshells in your soil can be a great source of calcium[/caption]

Experts from Drainage Channel say “composting” is key to having a healthy, green garden.

They told Fabulous: “One of the best things gardeners can do is to start composting.

“By turning your kitchen scraps and lawn clippings into compost, you’re not only reducing waste but also enriching your soil with vital nutrients that support plant growth.”

And you should consider holding onto your old eggshells instead of tossing them in the bin.

The garden pros recommended incorporating crushed eggshells into the soil. 

One expert noted: “Adding calcium to the soil through crushed eggshells is crucial for the structural strength of plants.”

When it comes to getting rid of unwanted critters, they advised: “Managing pests naturally helps maintain a healthy garden. 

“A mild soap and water solution mixed with neem or peppermint oil can act as a natural deterrent for pests like aphids and spider mites. 

“It’s important to test it on a small part of the plant first to ensure it’s safe.”

The expert further highlighted the importance of not overwatering your garden, which can be tempting in summer.

They said: “Many gardeners tend to over-water, which can lead to issues such as root rot. 

“We advise watering deeply but infrequently to promote strong root development.” 

They added that applying a layer of organic mulch around plants helps retain moisture, suppress weeds, and enhance soil quality as it breaks down.

Finally, they touched on the benefits of Epsom salt – which are often used in baths – for plant health

The expert said: “Epsom salt is a fantastic, natural way to supply magnesium and sulfate, promoting healthy plant growth and greener leaves. 

“Just dissolve a tablespoon in a gallon of water and use this solution to water your plants once a month.”

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