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Dems Should Make An Ad Out Of Marjorie Taylor Greene's Latest Clip


On Real America's Voice, controversial Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene accidentally told the truth, and the Democrats should use this as an ad against Republicans. Thanks, Marge! She keeps doing this, but I'm not going to stop her.

"They're (Americans) looking at Republicans in Washington and laughing at us," Marge said. "They think we are a complete joke, and I'll say it over and over again."

Yes, girl, you're a joke. A bad joke.

Her party wants to bulldoze through Social Security, which they falsely call an entitlement. Read up on Project 2025. That's some scary shit, and it includes a national abortion ban. Anything else Republicans tell you about not wanting a ban is a lie. Oh, they want a pornography ban, too. I'm just mentioning that to show how they are focused on the important issues. Like DEI, for example.

"Conservatives desire a smaller government," except with women's bodily autonomy. Women are chattel in their world. Yeah, we'll be laughing all the way to the polls in November—that stupid cow. We're laughing at you because every time you open your Sasquatch-looking mouth, stupid just pours out of it. Keep talking. Democrats need the ads.

And she keeps doing this: