News in English

Morrisons blasted by customers for display selling £3 vapes in a bargain bin


MORRISONS was blasted yesterday for selling addictive vapes in a bargain bin.

The devices were advertised with the branding, “When it’s gone it’s gone” — dicing with strict nicotine sale laws.

Morrisons was blasted yesterday for selling addictive vapes in a bargain bin

Shopper Sam Bryan couldn’t believe his eyes when he spotted the display in his local supermarket.

He told bosses who immediately acknowledged the display full of £3 bargain vapes was “inappropriate”.

The store in Ashford, Kent, said: “This goes against our policies and values, and we are taking this matter seriously.

“We will take immediate action.

“I want to thank you for bringing this to our attention and for your concern about the safety and wellbeing of our customers, particularly children.”

But despite their commitment to take action, nothing had changed when Sam returned to the store later.

The vapes were still on offer in the discount container near the exit.

Paramedic Sam, 26, told The Sun: “It’s wrong of Morrisons to flog vapes in a discount bin at children’s height.

“Their advertising display sends out a terrible message, as the store acknowledged.”

Morrisons said yesterday: “There was no reduction in price to the vape products and they have since been removed.”