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C-SPAN caller quits GOP: ‘I realized Republicans do nothing but interfere’


A caller on C-SPAN's morning show explained that she had left the Republican Party because its lawmakers "do nothing but interfere" and "endorse everything [Donald] Trump does."

During Wednesday's Washington Journal program, a caller from Maryland named Mary said she used to be a Republican but changed her party affiliation to Independent.

"The reason I'm calling is to just say that anybody voting for a Republican is voting against their best interest," the caller announced. "Republicans are threatening Social Security and Medicare, which is going to affect millions of people, including us, who are seniors and who have been getting Social Security and dependent upon Social Security for paying our bills and taxes and everything."

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Mary then pointed to Trump as a reason for leaving the party.

"I can't imagine anybody in their right mind knowing what Trump is like," she said. "Trump is only for Trump. Nobody, nothing, nobody is more important than Trump. He works only for what is beneficial to him."

She spoke briefly about Maryland politics before returning her focus to the Republican Party.

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"I used to be a Republican, then I moved because I realized Republicans do nothing but interfere," she explained. "They don't care for the middle class."

"All they want to do is endorse everything Trump does, and by that, I mean, he wants to give the biggest tax breaks to the richest."

Watch the video below from C-SPAN or click here.