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Samsung warns millions over common ‘charging myth’ – you must ignore or it ‘reduces battery life’ forever


SAMSUNG is urging users to ignore a common charging myth – and says it could ruin your phone’s battery.

In a special memo to users on improving battery life, Samsung explains how there’s a mistake you should avoid making.

Your phone’s battery life can be seriously affected by your charging habits[/caption]

It’s often said that you should regularly let your smartphone battery completely run out of charge.

But that’s not the case any more, and can do more harm than good.

“Avoid fully discharging your battery,” Samsung urged users.

The company explained: “On much older types of batteries, the advice used to be to discharge them completely.

“This is not the case for modern smartphone batteries. Completely discharging the battery on your device may reduce its life.”

Samsung added: “It’s best not to let your battery go under 20%.”

Additionally, if you’re going to put your Samsung phone away for a long while – like in a box or drawer – then you’ll need to make another battery check.

“If you do not intend to use your device for some time and pack it away, ensure that it has at least 50% battery,” Samsung explains.

If the cell’s charge gets too low while in storage, it can irreparably damage the battery.


If you’re struggling to keep your Samsung phone above 20% in a day, there are some battery life tips that can help.

For instance, you can go in to your battery settings to activate Power Saving Mode.

Samsung explains: “Power Saving Mode differs slightly between devices but generally it will close all unnecessary apps and screens so that you can substantially increase your battery time.”

Try not to let your Samsung phone’s charge dip below 20%[/caption]

The tech giant also recommends turning off mobile data if you’re in an area with poor reception.

That’s because your smartphone uses more power if it’s getting bad mobile signal for a prolonged period of time.

Samsung says it can use “a lot of power” in this situation, so it’s best to turn off mobile data in low-signal areas unless you absolutely need it.

The phone-maker notes that you should be mindful of apps using power in the background.

A common myth is that batteries last longer if they are put in the freezer. This is not correct and can damage your battery.


You can check a list of apps that are using your battery up inside your phone’s settings.

“Some apps are particularly power-hungry, especially if they use features like GPS,” Samsung explained.

“Ensure you close apps when not in use.”

And importantly, try to keep your Samsung phone at normal temperatures.

Why do batteries get worse over time?

Here's what you need to know...

  • Most gadgets run on lithium-ion batteries
  • Over time, the amount of charge this type of battery can hold gets smaller
  • That means you need to charge your device more often because they hold less charge
  • Batteries have two electrode points – the cathode and the anode
  • To charge a battery, the ions inside the battery are forced from the cathode to the anode
  • When you use a battery, it moves in the reverse direction
  • This process wears away at the structure of the anode, reducing its ability to function correctly
  • But the process also builds up a kind of salt on the cathode when charging
  • As this build-up grows, the battery will accept less charge over time
  • It’s estimated that between 500 and 1,000 full charge-cycles will reduce a battery’s maximum capacity by roughly 20%

If your phone gets too hot or cold, it can not only impact current battery life but also permanently damage the cell.

Samsung notes: “Extreme heat and cold can damage your battery. For example, don’t leave your smartphone in the glove compartment of your car on very hot or cold days.

“A common myth is that batteries last longer if they are put in the freezer. This is not correct and can damage your battery.”