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The positives of harvesting rainwater


AUSTIN (KXAN) — We should be doing anything and everything we can to help our environment. One good way is to purchase a rain barrel to collect precious rainwater.

Texas is one state that encourages its residents to harvest rainwater to help reduce the drought conditions that lead to an already limited water supply. As we get closer to summer, the driest time of the year in Central Texas, there are several cities that have enacted water restrictions to preserve our precious water resource.

Maintaining a stable water supply is crucial. Water levels in the aquifers are negatively impacted by this current drought and also by excessive pumping of groundwater. The result is that water conservation efforts are necessary, and that includes collecting rainwater.

Rich Segal spoke with Shannon Casey, marketing and outreach specialist for Take Care of Texas at the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

She talked about how one can get started collecting rainwater and where rain barrels can be purchased. Shannon goes into the uses of the rainwater, including if a person can use it for their drinking water.

She stressed the many benefits collecting rainwater offers, including how it can reduce the potential for flooding.

Learn more about harvesting rainwater online.