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These Pumpkin Recipes Will Have You Rethinking Fall Dining


Yes, pumpkins are iconic for fall decorating. But fresh pumpkin is also very good for you! This fall fruit (yes, it's botanically a fruit) is easy to grow, fun to cook with, and should be a regular part of all all your fall weeknight recipes! To help inspire you, we've got more than three dozen of our favorite ways with pumpkin both fresh and canned, below. Enjoy!Do you love pumpkin? What's your favorite way to eat it? Tell us in the comments!Advertisement - Continue Reading Below1One-Pot Squash SoupOne of the first things we make when winter squash is in season is this classic soup. It calls for Butternut, but pumpkin works just as well. Don't skip on the popcorn for croutons. It's a genius step! Get the recipe for Squash Soup.Advertisement - Continue Reading Below2The Best, Easy Pumpkin Pie RecipeWhen you think of eating pumpkin of course, one food comes first. This is your basic, never-fail recipe, but with one seriously smart addition: an optional brulée (burnt sugar) on the top of...