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Joe Biden’s Campaign Confirms He Supports Abortions Up to Birth


Joe Biden supports abortions up to birth. He’s supported it countless times, he’s said repeatedly he doesn’t support any limits on abortion and his own policies promote abortions without limits throughout pregnant.

Yet when asked about recent comments from independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. supporting “full-term abortions,” Biden’s spokeswoman gave a double answer.

She claimed Biden doesn’t support such abortions, and then admitted he does.

“No, the president doesn’t support full-term abortions, as he’s made clear many times. He thinks Roe got it right,” said Lauren Hitt, a senior spokesperson for the campaign.

Roe allowed full-term abortions unless states prohibited abortions after viability. Which means Biden supports full-term abortions. Because if states didn’t take actions to stop abortions post-viability, babies could be killed in abortions up to birth.

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Marjorie Dannenfelser, the head of the pro-life group SBA List, says Biden supporting Roe means Biden supports abortions up to birth.

“Roe had wide open exceptions allowing late term abortion on healthy babies as Biden and his team know full well. And pro-abortion studies show that’s the norm for late term,” she said on X (Twitter).

And before the Supreme Court issued its Dobbs decision overturning Roe, several states dropped all limits on abortions – thus allowing full-term abortions under Roe. And Biden fully supports that.

Moreover, several states have voted for abortions up to birth in the two years following Dobbs. Biden has not condemned a single state for passing such measures. Not once has Biden condemned any pro-abortion state and said abortions up to birth should be limited.

So while Biden’s campaign can lie to the media and claim he opposes full-term abortions, the reality is Biden supports abortions up to birth. And he hides behind the Roe comments because he knows that a very, very small percentage of Americans supports full-term abortions like he and Kennedy.

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