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Mustang Public Schools lowers number of allowable absences


MUSTANG, Okla. (KFOR) - Mustang Public Schools is launching a new attendance campaign for the 2024-25 school year.

According to MPS, "Every Moment Matters" focuses on the impact of missing school on a student's academic journey.

“Every school day counts. Each absence is a lost opportunity for learning and growth,” said Mustang Superintendent Charles Bradley.

Officials say the campaign is aimed at combating "chronic absenteeism". According to research from Attendance Works, missing school can increase the risk of not reading at grade level by the third grade, failing classes by middle school and dropping out by ninth grade.

The Mustang Board of Education approved a new policy Monday night that lowers the number of allowable absences from ten to eight.

“We are committed to opening every door of opportunity for our students, and it starts with being present in the classroom. Every empty desk is a missed opportunity.” said Stacy Edwards, Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Schools. “We've seen first-hand how consistent attendance not only boosts academic performance but also enhances social skills and adaptability among young learners.”

Although the number of allowed absences is lower, the campaign also addresses the importance of student health and taking the necessary precautions before sending a sick student to school.

"Every day our students are present is a day filled with endless possibilities. Let's make every
day count." added Supt. Bradley.