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Listen to podcasts on tons of topics with this app for 66% off


TL;DR: As of May 13, listening to your favorite podcasts just got a lot easier with lifetime access to a Player FM Premium Plan, on sale for $39.99.

With an abundance of new podcasts coming to the surface each day, you’ll likely never run out of content to listen to. Make your commute, workout, or trip more enjoyable by tuning into one of 50+ million podcast episodes on the Player FM app.

This lifetime membership gives you access to both an independent library and a hub for podcasts from other platforms, where you can listen to playlists, full play history, and resume playback on a variety of devices including iPhone, Android, web, Apple Watch, and Apple CarPlay — and it's on sale for $39.99, down 66% from $120.

You’ll especially love how Player FM syncs and organizes all of your podcasts from across various platforms. Tune in offline when Wi-Fi isn’t available and continue listening without having to rely on an internet connection. Check out the turbo fetch feature and get the latest episodes as soon as they hit the platform. 

With a wide variety of topics, you can search shows, episodes and subscriptions depending on which vibe you’re feeling that day. Listen to serial shows, news, business, or comedy podcasts (just to name a few). Find out what’s trending and never miss a beat.

For a limited time, get a Player FM Premium Plan lifetime membership for only $39.99 (reg. $120).

StackSocial prices subject to change.

Credit: Maple Media