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World airports financials for 2023 spell good news, but with some caveats in 1Q2024


In the latest of a series of quick analyses of airport financial performance CAPA - Centre for Aviation looks at declared results for FY2023 and at the few made so far for 1Q2024.

In all the regions surveyed the recovery which began in 2022, and which was labelled 'Back to Black', was seen to continue.

But there are still individual countries, especially in Europe, that are afflicted by the ramifications of world events that have emerged since the COVID-19 pandemic, and that is evident in the airport results.

Elsewhere, a slowing down of the recovery is suggested in Mexico, while in China a rapid catch-up finally took place in 2023, but may be equally rapidly stalling now.

The sector cannot consider itself out of the woods unless and until the WHO declares an end to the COVID pandemic, and even then, there are plenty of other factors to keep it on its toes.