I didn’t get my wife anything for Mother’s Day – no one blames me, they say her behavior is ‘completely inappropriate’
A FED-UP man has admitted he didn’t get his wife anything for her first Mother’s Day despite his efforts.
He explained that he had the best intentions, but it unexpectedly caused a rift in their relationship.
Redditor Cross2Live opened up about the gift fail in a viral post.
He explained that he’d gone to lengths to make his wife’s first Mother’s Day special.
“A few months ago, my wife had mentioned this concert by an artist that is decently popular. Not Taylor Swift popular but still a pretty big deal,” he said.
“We were passing by a new auditorium, and she was going on about the shows planned for the venue coming up but really harped on this [particular] artist.”
After his wife raved about the singer, he decided to take her to see the concert.
“This could be a really fun outing for us this summer to have a date and a night to ourselves while my parents watch our baby,” he said.
He purchased the tickets for about $100 each, but after a week had passed, his wife started inquiring about the purchase.
“She was looking through our bank accounts like she regularly does and noticed the $200+ charge in my account,” he said.
“She confronts me, demanding to know what I was spending so much money on.”
Trying to keep the surprise a secret, he gave a purposely vague answer.
“I tell her it’s a surprise for Mother’s Day, and I’ll show her what it is then. That doesn’t satisfy her,” he said.
His wife, he explained, was determined to get to the bottom of the purchase.
“She digs in and finds out the charge was from TicketMaster and continues to berate me on a daily basis on what the charge was,” he said.
Two weeks of pressure later, he gave up on trying to keep the gift under wraps.
“I tell her I got us tickets for the concert, and I had already set up childcare for the night as well as a pet sitter,” he said.
Her reaction was far from what he’d expected.
“Expecting her to be happy, I was then heartbroken when she started to tell me how this was a total waste of money and how she appreciated this artist’s music on the radio but would imagine her in concert to be extremely boring and how she never was interested in going,” he said.
He admitted he didn’t end up getting her anything after the gift fiasco.
“So here we are. On Mother’s Day and I’ve done nothing. No card. No flowers. No surprise of any kind,” he said.
“I’m hurt and feel burned. I had hoped for so much better today. I wanted to really show her I was listening and appreciate all the amazing things she does as a wife and mother. But I guess now I’m just a failure and an a**hole.”
Though he remained downtrodden about the situation, people told him to keep his chin up.
One viewer who’s been married for over 30 years gave their insight.
“Your wife’s reaction is completely inappropriate and you either need to talk this through or get some counseling,” they said.
They also advised the Redditor to open up a separate bank account that his wife wouldn’t have access to to prevent future arguments.
“I’m fully supportive of having combined finances and think that keeping separate finances contributes to a very undesirable me vs. you dynamic in a marriage,” they explained.
“But even with combined finances, each spouse should have a discretionary account where an agreed-upon amount of each paycheck should be deposited.
“This will give you the freedom and independence to make some purchasing decisions on your own without the need to justify it.”