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Home Depot's political committee just got jacked


A political action committee for a ubiquitous home improvement company is doing some financial renovations in the wake of fraud, according to a new financial filing.

The Home Depot Inc., PAC reported to the Federal Election Commission that it experienced theft of $7,500 in December due to an "erroneous bank debit."

"The PAC has taken action to prevent this from happening in the future by closing that bank account and opening a new account," said a report to FEC from May 8. "In addition, the PAC is using positive pay through the bank to prevent any future occurrences."

The $7,500 charge was "fraudulent activity on the bank account and has been reversed," the report said.

The Home Depot PAC and corporate spokespeople did not respond to Raw Story's request for comment.

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The Home Depot PAC has so far spent nearly $3.19 million during the 2023-2024 election cycle, having made donations to hundreds of federal- and state-level political candidates and committees, according to the FEC.

Nonpartisan research organization OpenSecrets calculated that 50.92 percent of Home Depot PAC's donations in this election cycle went to Democrats and 48.25 percent to Republicans. During the 2020 and 2022 election cycles, the PAC favored Republicans, according to OpenSecrets.

"We may not agree with every position taken by a candidate or elected official, and a contribution to an individual should not be taken to mean agreement with every position taken by such individual," Home Depot's corporate webpage on political engagement said. "However, we use these criteria and our Core Values to make decisions that allow us to have a seat at the table to engage, both on the issues on which we align and those we disagree, to support our business, associates, and communities."

Political committees keep getting jacked

Thieves keep ripping off political fundraising committees month after month with no apparent end in sight. Over the past year, Raw Story reported that scammers stole millions of donor dollars combined from dozens of political campaign committees — which have experienced varying levels of success in recouping the stolen funds.

Nearly $40,000 each was recently stolen from two different political committees — one being a campaign organization for Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) and the other being a political action committee supporting miners.

In February, a Texas Republican congressional candidate, Scott Armey, lost $25,013 through a “fraudulent transaction,” and another labor PAC, the Mason Tenders District Council of New York and Long Island PAC, lost more than $4,300 over the summer, Raw Story reported.

The Lincoln Project, an anti-Trump super PAC, lost $35,000 earlier this year.

The Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest PAC reported $14,156.25 in fraud over the course of December, Raw Story reported.

ALSO READ: 'Most transparent president' Trump won't meet financial transparency deadline. Again.

A thief nabbed a $3,000 check sent by a political committee led by former House Speaker Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). The July 2023 check intended for a photographer was “stolen during the USPS mail process and fraudulently cashed,” Raw Story reported.

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s political action committee reported theft of nearly $4,700 due to fraudulent checks in December, and the Oregon Republican Party was the victim of a fake check scam last summer.

Last year, the FEC questioned the campaign of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) about the fraudulent use of her campaign credit card by far-right agitator Milo Yiannopoulos, who purchased a 2024 campaign website domain for rapper-turned-2020 presidential candidate Ye, formerly Kanye West, using Greene’s donor dollars, Raw Story reported.

In May, Raw Story reported that the Managed Funds Association PAC was targeted more than 20 times between Jan. 1 and March 31, 2023, initially losing $147,000 in fraudulent check payments, although it appeared to have since recouped the money, according to filings with the FEC.

The Retired Americans PAC, a super PAC that supports Democrats, recouped more than $150,000 it lost in late 2022 after paying fraudulent bills sent to the committee, according to an April 21 letter to the FEC, Raw Story reported.

The FBI got involved when Sen. Jerry Moran (R-KS) was the victim of a cybertheft incident in late 2022 that initially cost his campaign $690,000.

Raw Story reported that other current and former Republican members of Congress targeted by thieves include Rep. Troy Nehls of Texas (his campaign lost $157,626), former Rep. John Katko of New York ($14,000), Rep. Neal Dunn of Florida ($10,855), former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy of California ($3,000), Rep. Russell Fry of South Carolina ($2,607.98) and Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida ($362.04).

The Republican National Committee and Rep. Diana Harshbarger (R-TN) also experienced campaign cash thefts.

The problem isn’t unique to Republicans.

Last year, the Minnesota Democratic Party experienced check fraud. In November 2022, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s campaign fell victim to check fraud worth $10,085, Raw Story reported, and President Joe Biden’s 2020 Democratic presidential campaign committee lost at least $71,000, according to Business Insider. House Minority Whip Katherine Clark (D-MA) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) were also hit.

One-time Democratic presidential candidate and congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard and West are among others who reported money stolen from their political accounts.

Other PACs losing campaign cash to thieves include the Business Industry Political Action Committee ($14,156), State Farm Insurance PAC ($12,220) and the International Franchise Association Franchising Political Action Committee ($2,500), Raw Story reported.

The political action committees of Google, National Association of Manufacturers, Consumer Technology Association, National Air Traffic Controllers Association, International Brotherhood of Teamsters,, and law firms Akerman LLP and Blank Rome LLP have also experienced theft of various kinds, ranging from cyber theft to forgeries and check tampering, according to Business Insider.