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I took my kids out of school as I think it’s a prison – they can do maths on a calculator & holidays are more important


A MUM has said she has taken her daughters out of school, as she thinks it’s like a prison.

Cassyanne Clark shared took to social media to share her reasons for home-schooling.

Cassyanne said she thinks school is like ‘prison’[/caption]
She said her kids can learn more from travelling[/caption]

The mum, who’s daughters are eight and nine year’s old said that she doesn’t agree with some of the topics that the kids learn in school, such as sex education.

However, Cassyanne shared that the biggest reason she has taken them out of school is because she thinks it’s like a “prison”.

She said that she thinks it’s unfair that children have to sit in a classroom for eight hours a day and are not allowed to talk during lessons or go to the toilet.

She said: “I think a child would learn more from the outside world than sitting in a classroom learning about stuff they will probably never use again.”

The mum said that if the kids need maths they can use a calculator and said that her girls can learn things from reading books.

“I think teaching a child to jump on an aeroplane and go an travel the world is more important than sitting them in a classroom”.

Cassyanne said that she thinks children only need to learn to read and write, and doesn’t understand why they have to be in school for so long.

She said that her kids can do GCSEs if they want to, but added that she never did any herself, as she got kicked out of school.

“I haven’t got one GCSE but I’ve built multiple amazing businesses, so it just goes to show that you don’t need that”, she said.

The mum explained that the kids have a private tutor once a week, who teaches them core subjects such as maths and English, which she said costs her around £400 a month.

She added that they are learning to cook from scratch from their grandma who used to be a chef and have work books which help them learn.

Cassyanne’s video has likely struck a chord with many people, as it has racked up over 434,000 views on the video sharing platform.

TikTok users raced to the video’s comments section to share their thoughts, and opinions were divided.

One person said: “My mum allowed me to drop out of education after my GCSEs and how I wish she’d encouraged me to stay on.

“It opens up so many more doors when you’re older and want to start a career”.

A second person said: “Completely agree, none of my girls will be going to school.

Home schooling rules

Anyone can choose to educate their child at home, and you must inform the school if you wish to take them out of education.

Home-schooling parents must ensure that they are giving their children a full education from the age of five, but do not have to follow the national curriculum.

The council can make an ‘informal enquiry’ to make sure your children are being taught properly at home and can serve a school attendance order if they think your child needs to be educated at school.

“Can’t trust teachers or other children.”

A third person said: “I totally agree!

“You’re saying everything I said to the school when I took mine out!.

“I have travelled America with them for the last year and the things they have learnt are incredible”.

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