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Watch moment learner fails driving test for not stopping at GREEN light… it could happen to anyone


THIS is the moment a learner driver failed her test for not stopping at a green light.

The unfortunate teen fell victim to a little-known part of the Highway Code which could catch out even the most proficient motorists.

Driving instructor Abby Nisar brought a little-known aspect of the highway code to light[/caption]
His student Rosa received a serious fault for not stopping at a green traffic light[/caption]

In a video posted to his YouTube channel, Abby Nisar, the founder of the AVA Drive driving school in Lancashire, showed why he had to intervene during a drive with his student Rosa.

During a mock test, Rosa unknowingly committed a serious fault, which would lead to an instant failure in the real thing.

Driving along a main road, she approaches a set of traffic lights by a junction.

Just before the crossing, the single lane split into two: one for going straight ahead and one for turning right off the main road into a side road.

Rosa correctly signalled and moved into the turning lane and sailed through the lights, which were on green at the time.

However, within seconds, Abby was forced to use his dual controls to bring them to a stop and award a serious fault.

This was because, despite the light being green, there was an oncoming truck which was looking to turn into the same road as Rosa.

While there was likely enough of a gap for her to make the turn without any danger, she was actually violating the rule of the road.

Abby explained: “Even though the traffic lights are green, we have to give way to the oncoming vehicles who are going straight ahead or turning where we want to turn.

“Rosa didn’t stop so I had to intervene.

“Those are filter traffic lights…if it’s just green that means the oncoming traffic will be going as well.

“They have priority over us.”

Had the junction been on Rosa’s side of the road, she would have had the priority and been entitled to make the turn first.

Unfortunately, since she was turning across a lane of traffic, it was on her to give way.

However, Abby went on to explain that there is a scenario in which this isn’t the case.

Some traffic lights have an extra light in the form of a green arrow, which negates the priority system that caught Rosa out.

In that case, the light will stay red for one side of the road, while the other side will be given the green light to make the turn.

That arrow can then be switched off to allow the traffic to flow in both directions while the drivers wanting to turn are held at the lights.

It comes after motorists in a popular seaside town slammed a new “sunset tax” parking charge brought in by the local council.

Abby explained that she should have given way to the oncoming traffic[/caption]
Not doing so meant an automatic failure, even though she likely had time to make the turn first[/caption]