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Savvy mum shows how she makes a single chicken breast feed her family of FOUR, but it instantly divides opinion


A SAVVY mum has divided opinion after showing how she prepares a single chicken breast to feed her family of four.

Jenn explained that she’s perfected the art of making her food go further, and demonstrated how that looks for a chicken dinner in a video on her TikTok page.

Mum Jenn took to TikTok to show how she can make a single chicken breast feed her family of four
She sharpened her knife to be able to slice the breast as thinly as possible
She then used a meat tenderiser to bash the breast into an even thinner slice
After putting in an egg wash, she coated it with breadcrumbs

She started by finding the “biggest breast” she could, and began by washing it to clean it.

It should be noted that the Public Health Agency has warned that washing chicken can spread campylobacter, the most common cause of food poisoning in the UK.

Jenn then got a sharp knife and started to slice her chicken breast as “paper thin” as she could manage, so she could get as many portions from it as possible.

“And I just keep repeating this process until I’ve sliced my chicken breast all the way through,” she explained.

Once she’d done that, she said she wanted to get it “even thinner”.

So she got a meat tenderiser and began whacking the chicken until it was as thin as possible.

At that point, she got her egg wash ready – one egg, salt, pepper and milk – and her breadcrumb mixture, which was just Italian style panko and Italian breadcrumbs.

“So I’m gonna spread my chicken breast open, and I’m gonna make sure that it is fully coated,” she said, as she demonstrated coating the chicken in the egg wash, before putting it into the breadcrumbs.

“And then I just keep repeating the process,” she said.

As a finishing touch, she always goes in with “extra breadcrumbs to make sure everything’s fully coated”.

Holding up a plate laden with the covered chicken pieces, Jenn said: “This is how much chicken breast I got out of my one breast.

“I feel like it’s pretty decent amount!”

When it comes to cooking the chicken, Jenn uses canola oil, which she gets “very, very hot” before putting the chicken in and frying it on either side.

She served the chicken with a pasta salad, which she’d made with pasta, ham and mayonnaise, and some slices of cucumber – for both herself and her husband, and their kids.

The comments section was immediately filled with people having a debate about Jenn’s methods – with many insisting it was savviness gone too far.

“Like no protein!” one wrote.

“Y’all going too frugal, just stretching it,” another added.

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“I understand that the economy is bad but I honestly don’t think it’s that bad,” a third commented.

“Just get drumsticks, they’re cheaper,” someone else suggested.

“I know everyone’s still hungry,” another said.

“Wait, who’s that feeding?” someone else wondered.

However, other people praised Jenn for coming up with such a money-saving meal.

“Wow this is incredible!” one wrote.

“Thank you for sharing this awesome idea, especially with the high price of food.”

“This looks yummy!” another added.

“Thank you for sharing.

“We’re working with tight budgets here, so this is super helpful.”

“Great way to stretch meat and everyone gets some and having a variety on the plate,” a third commented.

“Those are full and beautiful plates!”

“In this economy yesss!” someone else said.

While another praised: “You are literally super mum!

“I’ma start doing this for my family of 4.”

She showed how much one breast made after prepping it all for cooking
She cooked each piece in canola oil
And served up alongside a pasta salad and cucumber slices