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Iranian official: Gemstones from Afghanistan smuggled into Iranian market


Qadir Qiafeh, deputy head of Iran’s Chamber of Commerce, stated that gemstones from Afghanistan are smuggled into Iran and sold illegally, as reported by Iranian media.

In an interview with an Iranian media outlet, Qiafeh stated that gemstones mined in Afghanistan enter Iran through unofficial channels and trade in their markets.

ILNA news agency reported on Sunday, May 12, that Qadir Qiafeh emphasized Iranian investment in Afghanistan mines.

Meanwhile, he said, “The extraction of these stones could be a potential area for cooperation between Iran and Afghanistan.”

The Taliban has not commented on Qiafeh’s remarks yet.

He also reported that several large Iranian mining companies have formed a consortium to enter the Afghan mining market, and a major Iranian steel company has serious plans to do so.

According to him, negotiations and exchanges focusing on mining have occurred between Iran and Afghanistan over the past several years.

However, he says no bank in the country can provide financial backing of $400 to $500 million for Iran’s cross-border projects and support Iranian mining business owners.

Since the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, there have been good relations between the Taliban and the Iranian regime. However, the Islamic Republic of Iran, like other countries, does not officially recognize the Taliban but maintains extensive diplomatic and economic relations with the group.

The post Iranian official: Gemstones from Afghanistan smuggled into Iranian market appeared first on Khaama Press.