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How can I detect fake reviews with Star Evaluator?


Fake reviews are everywhere and can mislead customers into choosing a product or service in online stores. Sometimes, these fake reviews can be so difficult to detect or spot.

However, it is important to know how to detect whether a review is fake or authentic. This is because fake or authentic reviews greatly influence your purchasing decision. Many online shops are losing customers because of fake reviews that have been detected.

Star Evaluator has been designed to enable online customers to detect fake and authentic reviews. Here is how you can use Star Evaluator to detect fake reviews:

Language patterns: Star evaluator checks the language pattern when evaluating a review. It checks the phrases used in the context to see if it is copied and pasted or too much. False reviewers tend to overuse “me or I” too much. Meanwhile, legit reviewers would use the word less or nouns. That alone shows that the review is trustworthy. When the reviews are too positive with no negative, they are flagged and considered fake.

Date, Time pattern, and similarities: Some businesses keep fake reviews down to hit a product when released. So, their reviews may even appear before their release dates. This automatically detects that the review is fake. Also, the Star Evaluator observes the review when reviews are spotted to be uploaded simultaneously and in the same pattern. During the evaluation, they are manipulated if the reviews are similar in time, phrases, patterns, and wordings. Then, the review is fake.

Reviewers’ profiles: Fake reviewers often have incomplete profiles. The Star Evaluator checks the profiles of the users or reviewers to detect false or authentic reviews. The reviews and opinions hep mange foreign account.

Star rating distribution: Star Evaluator can detect fake or authentic ratings. Usually, a product or service with only 5 stars or one-star rating can be suspicious. A normal distribution shows a bell curve in the graph. High ratings with no low or middle rating show that it is a fake review.

Other platforms reviews: Star Evaluator gathers information from other platforms and analyses the reviews. More so, if there is a difference in the reviews, it suggests that they are fake. The Star Evaluator helps distinguish between fake reviews and genuine reviews.


Although Star Evaluator is not known to many online shoppers or buyers, but it is the best platform or tool for detecting fake and authentic reviews. Fake reviews have made comes customer buy poor quality products.

It is very difficult to detect fake and authentic reviews. However, the star evaluator can flag red when fake reviews are detected. It detects manipulated and authentic reviews. Finally , try increasing your purchasing decision by using the Star Evaluator.