News in English

Manafort Backs Away From Role In National Convention


Paul Manafort, convicted felon pardoned by Trump, has backed away from his role advising the Republican National Convention.

Paul Manafort, convicted and pardoned felon, has quit his again-unpaid role as advisor to the Republican National Convention.

“As a longtime, staunch supporter of President Trump and given my nearly 50 years experience in managing presidential conventions, I was offering my advice and suggestions to the Trump campaign on the upcoming convention in a volunteer capacity,” Mr. Manafort told The Times, in a statement provided by the Trump campaign.

“However, it is clear that the media wants to use me as a distraction to try and harm President Trump and his campaign by recycling old news,” he said.

Washington Post (gift link) has some new news: Manafort is now working for China instead of Russia. And he’s been trying to hook up with Japan, South Korea, and Guatemala.

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