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Other Trump accusers bond over Stormy Daniels testimony: 'We've been emailing each other'


The numerous women who have accused Donald Trump of inappropriate or unwanted sexual conduct are reportedly staying in touch, and talking about Stormy Daniels' testimony.

Stormy Daniels testified against Trump at the former president's criminal trial related to an alleged hush-money cover-up scheme in which he silenced Daniels' story of a sexual encounter just before the 2016 election. Telling her story, Daniels said she was surprised to see Trump in his underwear, and that she felt a severe power balance between them.

That story rang true for the other women who have accused Trump of unwanted touches and kisses and even assault, according to a new report from the Washington Post published Sunday.

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"Amy Dorris tried not to watch too much news last week as Stormy Daniels gave her courtroom account of sex with Donald Trump. But little details from Daniels’s story have stuck with her, she said," the outlet reported. "The age gap. Daniels’s description of leaving a hotel bathroom and being surprised to see Trump in his boxers. Dorris said it reminded her of her own encounter with Trump outside a restroom in 1997, when she and her boyfriend attended the U.S. Open tennis tournament in Trump’s VIP box. 'I came out,' Dorris recalled, 'and there he was.'"

It continued:

"Dorris said Trump was suddenly kissing her and groping all over her body, despite her protests."

Dorris isn't the only one.

"Now, Dorris and some other women who had publicly accused Trump of kissing or touching them inappropriately — sometimes alleging assault — are watching his campaign to return to public office with alarm," the report states. "They are confiding in one another, following Trump’s trials together and occasionally talking over Zoom. Despite a national reckoning with sexual misconduct shortly after Trump’s 2016 election, they feel the former president is politically more impervious than ever to their claims."

The report says, "This past week, some of them discussed Daniels’s testimony together."

"'We’ve been emailing each other, saying ‘Oh my God, she feels similar to how many of us felt,' said Natasha Stoynoff. In October 2016, Stoynoff wrote that Trump pushed her against a wall and aggressively kissed her as she visited Mar-a-Lago to interview him and his wife for People magazine. Several people said Stoynoff confided in them at the time. Trump said she was lying."

Read the full report here.