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Border Patrol agent gives dire warning about the ongoing crisis


(THE BLAZE) – A Border Patrol agent who spoke with NewsNation explained just how bad the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border really is, and to make things worse, it will not get better any time soon. The agent gave the interview anonymously, with NewsNation casting him in a shadow and changing his voice in order…

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(THE BLAZE) – A Border Patrol agent who spoke with NewsNation explained just how bad the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border really is, and to make things worse, it will not get better any time soon. The agent gave the interview anonymously, with NewsNation casting him in a shadow and changing his voice in order to protect his identity so the Department of Homeland Security does not punish him for speaking out.

"[What] don't ordinary Americans understand about the border?" reporter Ali Bradley asked.

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"The biggest thing is that we do not control the border. The cartel controls the border. Everything that we do is a reaction to things that they have planned. Usually we're chasing around pawns while the kings and queens are doing whatever they want," the agent replied.

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