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Marin Voice: Maternal mental health disorders deserve more attention


As we approach Mother’s Day, it’s vital to spotlight an often-overlooked crisis impacting mothers across our nation: maternal mental health.

While this time of year is traditionally celebrated with flowers and cards, for many women, the reality of motherhood is marred by severe mental health challenges that can persist well beyond the first year of giving birth.

Maternal mental health disorders, including postpartum depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorders and psychosis affect a significant portion of mothers. Devastatingly, 1 in 3 mothers, particularly those from low-income and minority backgrounds, are impacted by these conditions. Sadly, a staggering 75% of these women do not receive the treatment they desperately need.

The consequences of untreated maternal mental health disorders are far-reaching, affecting not only the women themselves but also their children, marriages and careers. Children of mothers who suffer from these disorders are more likely to experience developmental delays and psychological issues. Marriages can strain under the weight of untreated mental health problems, and the workplace suffers as maternal mental health issues can lead to decreased productivity and increased absenteeism.

Our society’s expectations of mothers are not only unrealistic but are fundamentally failing them from the start. In today’s world, mothers are expected to be all things to all people. This immense burden placed on one individual is not only unfair but unsustainable. What needs to change? Everything. We must start by reevaluating workplace policies, particularly around parental leave, to ensure they are genuinely supportive of both parents’ rights to bond with their child without the fear of economic instability.

Despite these challenges, our society has not yet prioritized the necessary support to help mothers during this critical period. Ultimately, we need a cultural shift that respects and supports the varied roles mothers play without expecting them to shoulder an impossible load alone. This involves extending maternity and paternity leaves, implementing thoughtful policy and legislative changes, increasing funding for maternal mental health services, and enhancing community support systems – these are all essential steps toward addressing this crisis.

The Postpartum Support Center is the only local community organization that is designed to provide comprehensive support (from pregnancy to the first five years after giving birth) that focuses on the wellbeing of mothers, fathers and their support teams while promoting awareness and prevention of perinatal mental health disorders. These services aim to build a strong support system that can significantly alleviate the challenges of maternal mental health disorders and prevent clinical depression.

May is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month. This year, the Postpartum Support Center is drawing attention to these issues through the annual “Walk For Moms.” This event raises awareness and funds to support mothers struggling with mental health conditions.

We invite our community to join us in this crucial initiative to make a tangible difference in the lives of countless families. It is set for May from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Marin Civic Center’s Lagoon Park in San Rafael.

Moreover, leadership at the center is proud to announce the launch of the Marin Maternal Mental Health Collaborative supported by the Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Department from Marin Health and Human Services. This new initiative seeks to unite health care providers, policymakers, community leaders and members with lived experiences to improve and expand services for maternal mental health.

As we celebrate Mother’s Day, let’s remember that our commitment to maternal mental health is crucial. It’s not just about one day or one walk; it’s about ongoing support and advocacy to ensure every mother has the chance to enjoy motherhood without the overshadowing burden of mental health issues.

To all who believe in this cause, we urge you to step forward. Join the Walk for Moms, participate in the collaborative and spread the word. Together, we can transform the landscape of maternal mental health and create a healthier, happier future for all mothers and their families.

Ivana Jagodic is the founder and executive director of the Postpartum Support Center in San Rafael. For maternal mental health support, text or call 415-320-6707. To learn more about the Walk For Moms or the Marin Maternal Mental Health Collaborative, email or check online at