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Watch Jon Stewart mock GOP pearl-clutching over gas stoves and Scouts


Jon Stewart was a surprise host on “The Daily Show” Thursday, and sounded off on all of the “freedoms” Republicans claim are being taken away from Americans.

Like gas stoves! Stewart joked that he is on the GOP’s side in this battle, complaining that he cannot make his “signature bananas Foster, because Joseph ‘Goebbels’ Biden is trying to ban gas stoves.” The Republican hand-wringing is especially disingenuous because the Biden administration’s new standards don’t affect 97% of gas stoves already on the market.

“Look, no disrespect to any of these f---ing idiots,” Stewart said. “But I think we can move household appliances down on the ‘threat to democracy’ list just below aluminum-free deodorant.” 

Calling it an obviously “overblown reaction,” Stewart wondered if there were “true horrors” being covered up before cutting to right-wing media outlets decrying how the Boy Scouts are “dead” after the organization’s rebranding as Scouting America.

“While we were all fixated on the titillating details of the Stormy Daniels testimony, the Boy Scouts all died,” Stewart said. “I'm assuming, in a terrible s'mores explosion engineered by one Joseph Charles Manson Biden.”