News in English

Less coddling of indulged Hopkins students | READER COMMENTARY


I am appalled at the audacity of these college kids to place demands on school administrators and trustees as a condition of vacating their illegal encampments (“Johns Hopkins administrators, protesters fail to reach solution over pro-Palestinian encampment,” May 8). These kids are suffering from the result of overly compliant parents who never learned how to say no to their children.

The students are totally ignorant of world events. Part of the fault, of course, lies with the school administrators who fail to manage these protests effectively by establishing firm rules and deadlines, and if these rules are violated past the deadlines established then disciplinary actions must be taken including arrest, expulsion and revocation of visas. Only firm and decisive action can resolve the situation.

These kids, hiding behind their masks and making incendiary statements, need to find out what the real world is all about. Do they really think that corporate America will offer them jobs?

— Jack Kinstlinger, Towson

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