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Apple reveals three mistakes overheating your iPhone as Brits soak up warmer weather


APPLE has poured tons of effort and money into making its iPhones sturdier and less smashable over the years – but that doesn’t make them invincible.

In fact, just being in the sun too long can permanently shorten an iPhones battery life.

Your iPhone may shut down unexpectedly if it gets too hot

That’s not just iPhones either.

iPads can also suffer the same fate if you’re not careful with them in the summer sun.

Apple says its iPhones and iPads should only really be heavily used in “ambient” temperatures – so, between 0º and 35ºC (32º to 95ºF).

The company advises against using devices in extreme low and hot temperatures, as these “might cause your device to change its behaviour to regulate its temperature.”

This is when your iPhone might shut down unepextedly.

Apple added: “Using an iOS or iPadOS device in very hot conditions can permanently shorten battery life.”

“If your device gets too warm or too cold, certain features might become temporarily disabled.

“In extreme conditions, your device might become temporarily disabled.”

Even when your iPhone is not ‘in action’ – be it streaming Netflix or bingeing a new game – Apple says the device should be stored anywhere that gets warmer than 45ºC (113ºF).

Apple recommends customers not make these three mistakes when it comes to their iPhone and warm weather:


You wouldn’t leave your dog – or your baby – in a car on a hot day.

And Apple says you shouldn’t leave your iPhone in there, either.

This is because “temperatures in parked cars can exceed this range” quite easily as summer temperatures swoop in.


The same applies to leaving your device in direct sunlight for an “extended period of time,” according to Apple.

While you might want to catch a tan this weekend, you’re iPhone doesn’t need it.

It’s best to leave the device inside, or under a towel or t-shirt, if you’re wanting to sneak some tanning in.


Using certain features and apps in hot conditions or direct sunlight for an extended period of time can also wreak havoc on your device.

For example, if you’re using Google Maps for a long drive – or while sat in traffic – during a hot day.

This also applies to playing a graphics-intensive game or using augmented-reality apps.

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