The best foot scrubbers for 2024
Feet are a breeding ground for dead skin and bacteria, which is why it’s super important to spend time cleaning them in the shower. Feet are easy to forget about or ignore in our hygiene routine. Especially when so much time is spent washing our hair, shaving, singing – you name it. But because our toes sweat in our socks and shoes all day, they’re ripe for odors and bacteria. Plus, your feet develop calluses over time that can be hard to get rid of. To combat all this, we searched high and low for the best foot scrubbers, callus removers and foot files on the market to ensure your feet are getting the attention and care they deserve.
Of course, getting your feet nice and clean isn't easy for everyone. Factors such as mobility, health conditions, and even time constraints can make it difficult for some to wash their feet properly in the shower. In order to level the playing field, we decided to get to work finding the best scrubbers to get the job done.
Because we here at AOL are absolutely clean-feet advocates, we tasked our research team (myself included) with testing multiple types and styles of foot scrubbers (for use both in the shower and out). Keep reading to learn about our faves, the ones that left our heels and toes squeaky clean and silky smooth.
Best foot scrubber overall
Other top foot scrubbers we recommend for 2024
Factors to consider when choosing a foot scrubber
Foot scrubbers come in all shapes and sizes, but there are other methods of cleaning and resurfacing feet that could be more effective for you. Here's what to look out for.
Method: Look for a foot scrubber that exfoliates dead skin and calluses. There are foot scrubbers that achieve this, files and also chemical peels. Choose a method you're most comfortable with.
Material: Scrubbing your feet is something you do to clean them and improve the overall health of your skin. With that in mind, look for scrubbers made with materials that won't cause additional irritation or harm to your skin.
Design and comfort: Chances are you won't use a scrubber if it's a pain to operate. When choosing, we looked for scrubbers with an ergonomic design and comfortable grip for ease of use.
Hygiene: Hygiene is important and it's the whole reason you want to clean your feet in the first place. So look for a scrubber that's easy to clean after use to prevent bacteria growth.