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Opinion: Evangelicals See Trump’s Hedonism as Godly ‘Masculinity’

Photo Illustration by Luis G. Rendon/The Daily Beast/Reuters/Getty Images

For those looking for salacious content, Stormy Danielstestimony at Donald Trump’s New York criminal trial did not disappoint.

Daniels testified that Trump answered the hotel door wearing “silk or satin.” She also said Trump told her, “You remind me of my daughter,” and that she spanked him with a magazine—among other prurient recollections.

I’ll leave it to legal experts to debate whether this TMI could backfire by evoking sympathy for Trump, or even jeopardizing the trial. Personally, I’m more interested in what the same conservatives who insisted that Bill Clinton’s character flaws made him unfit for the presidency will think about all this.

Read more at The Daily Beast.