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‘Finally peace and quiet’ mum shares 5p way she stops her kids fighting on a 4-hour road trip after reaching wit’s end


A MUM has shared the clever hack she’s come up with to stop her kids fighting on lengthy road trips.

Lauren admitted she had got to her “last resort” on the four-hour journey, as she showed her children arguing about kicking or even looking at each other.

Lauren got tired of her kids fighting in the back seat on a four-hour road trip
@lumcdonald/Tik Tok
So she got some cardboard out of her boot for a clever parenting hack
@lumcdonald/Tik Tok
She then used it to place between the two kids – creating a divide
@lumcdonald/Tik Tok
‘Finally peace and quiet’ Lauren exclaimed
@lumcdonald/Tik Tok

“Helpful hack for road trips,” she wrote over the top of her TikTok video.

And she added: “My kids wouldn’t stop fighting on a four-hour road trip.

“This was my last resort, sometimes as a parent you’ve just had enough!”

In the clip, she was seen pulling over the car, as she revealed she “came prepared this time”.

She then walked around to the boot, opened it up, and took out a big piece of cardboard, presumably from some packaging.

Lauren then used the card to put down the middle of her children’s two seats – effectively creating a dividing partition.

“Gotta do what you gotta do sometimes,” she captioned her video.

The comments section was almost immediately filled with people weighing in, with many of them praising Lauren for coming up with the hack.

“I swear parents need privacy glass like limos,” one wrote.

To which Lauren replied: “This made me laugh out loud! It’s absolutely brilliant!”

“My parents would have pulled the car over and gave us something to cry about,” another commented.

“Not suggesting that just that was my childhood!”

“I totally get it!” Lauren responded.

“I was in an unfamiliar area so I didn’t wanna get the kids out – this was my only option!”

“I tried this but my boys yanked it up and started hitting each other,” a third laughed.

“Mine thankfully didn’t do that, I would’ve probably cried!”

Someone else suggested giving the kids “some crayons to colour the board”.

To which Lauren said: “This is the best idea!!

“And stickers – this would keep them happy and occupied long enough for me to regain sanity.”