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Victory Day photos exhibited in Ethiopia


The event highlights the Soviet Union’s role in WWII and the global impact of its victory over fascism, the Russian House has said

A photo exhibition commemorating Victory Day opened on Tuesday in Ethiopia to show the Soviet people’s crucial role in defeating fascism during World War II.   

The exhibition, which was organized by the Russian House, represents a photographic display of the Soviet Union’s contribution and the immense sacrifices made to secure victory in the war. 

“We want to show our Ethiopian friends the photographic evidence of the most important part of mankind’s history – the victory over fascism – and the price the Soviet people paid for this victory,” the Russian House stated. 

Some historians hold the view that World War II began not on September 1, 1939 with the German invasion of Poland but earlier, with fascist Italy’s attack on Ethiopia in October of 1935.  

READ MORE: Another African state holds ‘Immortal Regiment’ march

On Wednesday, an ‘Immortal Regiment’ march was held in Ethiopia where people carried the photos of family members who participated in the war. Nazi Germany signed an act of surrender on May 8, 1945. 

‘Immortal Regiment’ processions were held in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), for the fourth time, on May 1, and in Cotonou, Benin, on May 5.  

The ‘Immortal Regiment’ is a large-scale civic event held annually, usually on Victory Day, in cities across Russia and other nations. Participants carry photos of relatives who fought in World War II as an expression of gratitude to the Red Army for its decisive role in the defeat of the Axis powers. Originating in Tomsk, Russia in 2012, the event has garnered widespread recognition both domestically and internationally.