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The Glasgow Football Tour – 20% Discount Offer to Queen’s Park Supporters


Whilst there are no more Men’s First Team games this season, Queen’s Park supporters can still be involved in football this summer and learn more about Scotland’s oldest club’s history.

The club are members of Football’s Square Mile Alliance, an organisation which has identified 21 sites across Glasgow that are of historical importance in terms of the development of football (not just in Scotland but across the world), and as you can imagine Queen’s Park feature prominently.

Queen’s Park supporters can secure a 20% discount on a Glasgow Football Tour when booking via their website at Glasgow Football Tour using the code FSMA.

The tours on offer are the 3 Hampdens Walking Tour, starting at Queen’s Park recs, then Hampden Bowling Club, Cathkin Park and ending at Hampden, and the Subcrawl Tour which is the story of how International Football begun and this tour uses the underground system in Glasgow.

Full details can be found at Glasgow Football Tour.

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