News in English

Better suited for volatile market: 5 largecaps from different sectors with upside potential of up to 47%

In the last few days bears are not making any distinction between large or mid or small cap stocks they just crush everything, it might appear that there is no point in making a distinction between these segments of the market. But the fact is that periods like this are a reminder of many basic things which one should remember before taking any investment decision in equity. First and foremost, after buying a stock you will own a business and what business you own is more important than what is happening to nifty or any other indices. Second, if you are a real long term investor then short term corrections should not bother you as they have come in the past and they will come in future also. What one should look for is whether the underlying business is witnessing any change or not and whether that change is positive or negative for the business. Last but not the least, do your homework before investing and not after investing.